Hello, I'm Ali. My background prior to embarking on my hypnotherapy career, studying under the award-winning Royal Berkshire College of Clinical Hypnosis (RBCCH), was in children's nursing. I began life as a nurse on the neuro unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Understanding the brain's response to its environment and pain was fascinating to me.
Throughout my work, in and out of the hospital, I have seen various underlying illnesses and conditions and often wondered if there was another way of dealing with certain conditions.
I now know there are other ways! Hypnotherapy has not had much of a platform until recent years when the detrimental effects of lockdown saw an increase of mental health amongst people, both children and adults.
Having experienced hypnotherapy for myself several years ago because I too felt stuck, I have felt, first hand, the positive effects it has brought to me.
Not only does hypnotherapy support mental health issues, it can also help with sleep, anxieties, fear & phobias, weight issues, quitting smoking & vaping, conflict & resolution, low confidence and general issues that arise day to day.
By providing bespoke coping strategies to my clients, they are able to move forwards with deeper clarity and a positive outcome.
It is always a privilege to work with clients, knowing how powerful hypnotherapy can be. I look forward to hearing from you.